Sunday Worship July 23

This Sunday we consider the Summer of Love in Manhattan and the subversive nature of love. Gary’s sermon is titled “Before the kleptocrats.” 

Sunday Worship July 16

This Sunday, we continue our Summer of Love. Gary’s sermon is titled “Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out.” After church, we celebrate Wendy Ritger’s years of service as Church Secretary and Sunday School Superintendent, then continue the conversation with our Open and Affirming Refresher for those who missed the first gathering.


Sunday Worship July 9

This Sunday, we start an eight week series on the Summer of Love. We’ll consider the role of anti-war activism and peacemaking. The Lesson for All Ages is “Flower Power” and the sermon is “Never go in against a Sicilian.” Lin and Anne Parker will share their musical gifts with us. Children in Grades 4 and under are invited to participate in SummerKids after the Lesson for All Ages.

Sunday Worship July 2

This Sunday we continue our study of Romans, and read the Genesis account of Abraham and Isaac. Gary’s sermon, about our use of scripture, is titled “Fake News.” We will come to the Lord’s Table, and Gary will take time to teach the children about communion. For this month’s special collection, we will accept donations of plain pasta. Please, no whole wheat pasta!

Sunday Worship June 25

Once again this week, we turn to Paul’s letter to the churches gathered in Rome, and to the gospel traditionally attributed to Matthew. The Lesson for All Ages is called “Yankees Fans,” Gary’s sermon is “Pirates”.

Pride Fest Parade

The Blue Hill Public Library has organized a Pride Fest Parade for Saturday June 24th, 3:00 pm at the Library.  Show your support for the LGBTQ+ community and our congregation, as we walk together with our new church banner.  We’ll plan to gather in the church parking lot at 2:45 pm, before heading down to the Library.  For more Pride Fest events taking place at the Library go to their website calendar.