Sunday Worship, May 6

This Sunday, May 6th, we come to the table of love. Our reading is from the beginning of Paul’s letter from prison to the Philippians. Gary’s sermon is titled “Overflow.” Our monthly collection for Tree of Life this month will be pet food for Oscar’s Outreach.

Sunday Worship, April 29

This Sunday, April 29, we welcome Gary Pinder as our guest preacher.  His sermon is titled “Thinking – After Easter.”

Sunday Worship, April 22

This Sunday, April 22nd: Violence, Imprisonment, and Earthquake! We are in the 16th chapter of the Acts of the Apostles. Gary’s sermon is titled “Shaken and Stirred.” In honor of Earth Day, Paul Kelly will perform an original musical piece, “To Be Our Home,” during the offertory.                                                             We hope to see you then!

Sunday Worship, April 15

This Sunday, April 15th, we read the story of Paul’s conversion. Gary’s sermon is titled “Darwin.”

Sunday Worship, April 8

This Sunday, April 8th, we hear John’s version of the gift of the Holy Spirit, very different from the version read at Pentecost, as well as the story of “doubting” Thomas. Gary’s sermon is titled “A Marked Man.” Paul Kelly will be leading our musical worship. We look forward to seeing you.

Holy Week Celebration, March 29 – April 1

​Thurs. 7pm – Maundy Thursday Service
Friday 12pm – Stations of the Cross
Friday 7pm – Good Friday Service
Sunday 5:30am – Sunrise Service
(at the Blue Hill Wharf)
​Sunday 10am – Easter Service of the Resurrection with Communion