Sunday Worship February 11

On Sunday, February 11th, we’ll consider the story of the man who was blind from birth. Gary’s sermon is titled “Manufacturing Enemies.” Join us as we celebrate the word in prayer, sermon, and song.

Sunday Worship February 4

This Sunday, February 4th, we read about Jesus and the Samaritan Woman at the Well. Gary’s sermon is titled “Immovable Ladder.” We’ll also come to the Lord’s Table, and take our monthly collection of non-perishable goods. This month our focus is breakfast cereal.

Sunday Worship January 28

This Sunday, January 28th, we read of the encounter between Jesus and Nicodemus in the 3rd chapter of the Gospel traditionally attributed to John. Gary’s sermon is titled “Oxford Comma.” After worship, we’ll gather downstairs for our Annual Meeting.

Sunday Worship January 21

This Sunday, January 21st, our journey through John brings us to the cleansing of the Temple, which occurs much earlier than in the other gospels. Gary’s sermon is titled “Mr. Miyagi.” During the Invitation to Give, Church Historian Marilyn Whittlesey will speak about our beautiful building as we celebrate another anniversary.

Sunday Worship January 14

#MeToo, Al Capone, Sid Caesar and the wedding at Cana. Hang on tight this Sunday, January 14th, as we work our way through a sermon titled “Never Mind Him.”

Sunday Worship January 7

You can’t expect a guy who eats locusts and wears a hairshirt to be easygoing! After last week’s time with John the Baptizer and his challenging call to repentance, this Sunday, January 7th, we turn to John’s account of the first disciples. We also celebrate Epiphany, gather at the Lord’s Supper, and accept our first Sunday offering of non-perishable items needed by local caring ministries. This month, we are collecting condiments for Tree of Life. Gary’s sermon is titled “Traveling Light.