Sunday Worship March 25

This Sunday, March 25th, we celebrate Palm Sunday and Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem as his conflict with the elite and the Pharisees hurtled toward a bloody climax. Gary’s sermon is titled ‘Shiphrah and Puah.”

Sunday Worship, March 18

This Sunday’s reading continues with John’s account of Jesus before Pontius Pilate. Having warned us about the sin of certainty, Gary will preach an uncertain sermon on questions of authority, how it is given, taken and surrendered.

Sunday Worship March 11

This Sunday, we continue reading John’s account of the Passion, with Jesus’ trial before Pontius Pilate. Gary’s sermon is titled after Pilate’s question to Jesus, “What is truth?”

Sunday Worship March 4

This Sunday, March 4th, is Communion Sunday. We will be collecting white pasta and rice for the food pantry. Gary’s sermon is titled ‘Not Just a River.” We hope to see you for worship and fellowship at 10:00 AM.

Sunday Worship February 25

This Sunday, February 25th, we begin a series focusing on John’s extended account of the Last Supper. Gary’s sermon is titled “Teresa.

Sunday Worship February 18

This Sunday, February 18th, we read about Lazarus. Gary’s sermon is titled “Mummy Dearest.” Join us for worship at 10am.