Sunday Worship, February 10

On Sunday, February 10th, we find Jesus in a fishing boat and Isaiah receiving a heavenly call. Gary’s sermon is titled “Unreal.”

Sunday Worship, February 3

Are you more than you’ve ever imagined? Is God calling you? This Sunday, February 3rd, we continue to reflect on God’s call and our potential, reading from Luke and Jeremiah. Gary’s sermon is titled “Who will buy?” We will also gather at Christ’s Table, and collect white rice and white (regular) pasta for Tree of Life.

Sunday Worship, January 27

On Sunday, January 27th, we continue to consider “spiritual gifts.” Gary’s sermon is titled “Priest, Prophet, King.”

Sunday Worship, January 20

On Sunday, January 20th, we consider gifts and call, reading from 1 Corinthians 12. Gary’s sermon is titled “Slater.”

Sunday Worship, January 13

This Sunday, January 13, we read about the Baptism of Jesus as recorded in the Gospel According to Luke. Gary’s sermon is titled “Baked.”

Sunday Worship, January 6

On Sunday, January 6th, we celebrate Epiphany. Gary’s sermon is titled “The Rest of the Story.” We’ll also gather at the Lord’s Table of Love.