Sunday Worship, September 1

This Sunday is Communion Sunday, and we will collect pet food for the Tree of Life Food Pantry. We also welcome the return of Reverend Virginia Snapp-Cunningham, with a sermon titled “Who Has the Best Seat?”

Sunday Worship, August 25

This week we welcome guest preacher Derek Van Bever, who joins us with a sermon titled “Catching Jesus’s Eye.”

Sunday Worship, August 18

On Sunday, August 18, we welcome Reverend Nick Davis to the pulpit. Nick will offer a sermon titled “I Am Not a Robot.”

Sunday Worship, August 11

This week, we welcome the return of Reverend Virginia Snapp-Cunningham as our guest preacher. Reverend Cunningham will offer a sermon titled “Are We Ready?”

Sunday Worship, August 4

On Sunday, August 4, we welcome the Reverend Dr. Rick Russell as our guest preacher. Rick will offer a sermon titled “Values for an Abundant Lifetime.”

Sunday Worship, July 28

This Sunday we welcome the Reverend Virginia Snapp-Cunnigham back to the pulpit. She will offer a Children’s Message titled “Praying is…Talking with God,” and a sermon titled ” “Why Should We Pray??” We will also celebrate Family Homecoming Sunday, and our morning worship will be followed by a picnic.