Sunday Worship, July 29

Sunday, July 29, we begin a short sermon series on the “Great Texts.” First up, the Ten Commandments… or was that “some suggestions”? The Lesson for All Ages is titled “Poo.”

Sunday Worship, July 22

Sunday, July 22nd, we wrap up our Homecoming weekend with a sermon by our guest preacher, speaker, and consultant, the Rev. Paul Nixon. Paul’s sermon is titled “A Better Way.”

Sunday Worship, July 15

On Sunday, July 15th, we conclude our sermon series on the Minor Prophets with a reading from Malachi. Gary’s sermon is titled “Flaming Love.”

Sunday Worship, July 8

On Sunday, July 8th, we consider the words of the Prophet Haggai. Gary’s sermon, Destroying Westworld, references the hit HBO series, but you need not know anything about the show, as he will reference real world events related to the show’s production.

Sunday Worship, July 1

This Sunday, July 1st, we turn to the Book of the Prophet Zephaniah. Gary’s sermon is titled “#61727-054.” We’ll come to the Table of Love in celebration. Our First Sunday collection will be new children’s books and toys for Christmas Angels. Please see your eVisitor for more details.

Sunday Worship, June 24

The Book of the Prophet Nahum is so problematic that it does not appear on any of the regular reading schedules for worship. What are we to do with this spiteful prophet? On Sunday, June 24th, Gary’s sermon in titled “Nineveh Destroyed – Part One.”