Sunday Worship, October 7

This Sunday, October 7, our theme is commitment. We will read from Genesis and Mark. Gary’s sermon is titled “Counterfeit Wampum.” We’ll also come to the Lord’s Table, receive the annual “Neighbors in Need” offering, and collect pet food for Oscar’s Outreach to go to the Tree of Life Food Pantry.

Sunday Worship, September 30

On Sunday, September 30th, we continue our series on spiritual practices with leadership. Our readings come from the 11th chapter of the Book of Numbers, and from the 9th chapter of Mark’s gospel. Gary’s sermon is titled “Dust Bowl.”

Sunday Worship, September 23

On Sunday, September 23rd, we travel from a classic Police hit to the lessons of history as we continue to consider spiritual practices. This week’s readings, from the Wisdom of Solomon and the Epistle of James, will be followed with a sermon titled “Don’t Stand So Close To Me.”

Sunday Worship, September 16

Join us on Sunday, September 16th, as we continue our series on spiritual practice. This week, we turn to James 3:1-12 and the practice of silence. The Rev. Gary Brinn’s sermon is titled “Loud.

Sunday Worship, September 9

On Sunday, September 9th, we begin a nine-week series focusing on spirituality in our own lives. First up, healing – Mark 7:24-37, and Gary’s sermon, titled “New and Improved.”

Sunday Worship, September 2

On Sunday, September 2nd, the Rev. Gary Pinder will preach and celebrate sacrament with us. His sermon is titled “Do-Be-Do-Be-Do.”