Sunday Worship, July 21

This Sunday we welcome the Reverend Virginia Snapp-Cunnigham as our guest preacher. Her sermon is titled “Choosing the Better Part.”

Sunday Worship, July 14

As we once again consider the parable of the Good Samaritan, Gary preaches a sermon called “Going Viral.”

Sunday Worship, July 7

On Sunday, July 7, we welcome the Rev. Nick Davis as our guest minister. His sermon will be titled, “How Beautiful the Hands.”

Sunday Worship, June 30

On Sunday, June 30th, Elijah catches a ride, and someone gets eaten by a lion. Join us for worship at 10:00 am, when Gary’s sermon will be titled “No Words.”

Sunday Worship, June 23

On Sunday, June 23rd, we head to the cemetery, where we encounter a demoniac, and hear Paul’s wise words about unity. Gary’s sermon is titled “Freedom.”

Sunday Worship, June 16

Sunday, June 16th is Trinity Sunday. Gary’s sermon is titled “Bombs, Guts, and Satellites.” Join us for worship at 10:00am.