Sunday Worship & Communion, February 7

We hear from the prophet Isaiah and the Gospel of Mark this Sunday, and with our first introduction to Jesus’ ministry, we know a great deal of his power.  We also learn something of people’s response to him as crowds gather around him looking for healing.  We are invited to wonder what it is that we are seeking.  Is it healing, and by what name?  Is it community, and what does that community look like? 

Zoom Worship, Sunday @10:00am

Meeting Link:  / Dial 646-558-8656 to join by phone.

Meeting ID: 960 0107 5605

Passcode:  393746

Worship at Home Materials:

Isaiah 40:21-31; Mark 1:29-39
“Have You Heard”
– Rev. Lisa Durkee

Sunday, February 7, 2021
Service of Worship for Home