Sunday, February 14 @4:00pm via Zoom
We will host a virtual Hymn Sing event on Sunday, February 14th at 4:00pm. Composer and conductor George Emlen will lead the singing from the piano in the Sanctuary.
In addition to a range of well-known hymns, George plans to include some love-themed hymns in keeping with Valentine’s Day. “I am taking a broad definition of love here,” he says. All the words to the hymns will be displayed on the Zoom screen, and everyone will be able to listen and sing along from home.
This event promises to be a delightful time for all!
You may join this live-streamed event either through Zoom or Facebook Live. You do not need an account in either program to join. In order to maintain image quality and connectivity, the number of Zoom participants will be limited to 40. Others interested in viewing the event may do so via Facebook Live on our Facebook page. This is an in-real-time option, with the only difference being that participants will be able to watch the event, but will not be sharing video of themselves. This is likely the best option for those with unstable internet connections.