As most of you know we have suspended worship services and any gatherings and meetings at the church for two weeks. In light of the latest and best information to date we are extending this until the end of April. We will regularly reassess and keep you informed as we go along.

During the corona virus pandemic we are focusing especially on communications, care for one another, and how to provide spiritual support through worship and devotions.

Here is what we are doing right now:

  • The Care Team has organized church folks into neighborhood groups with a contact person for each group who will be in touch on a regular basis. Think of this as a way to let us know of needs as well as how you might like to help with things such as shopping for others and running errands for those who can’t get out.
  • We will expand the e-visitor to include more information and as a means of support for one another. What is published in the e-visitor will also be posted on the church’s Facebook page and on the website. Please use all these resources to stay in touch!
  • We have opened a Zoom account for the church. We can now use Zoom to hold virtual meetings and hopefully a worship experience on a regular basis. This gives us the capacity to host meetings of up to 100 people at a time 24 hours a day. Instruction on how to connect with Zoom will be provided as needed.
  • We are in conversation with the other congregations in Blue Hill to find ways to share worship experiences especially during Holy Week and Easter, work together to meet the needs of folks in the community, and be supportive of one another.
  • With school closures and people not being able to work because of lack of childcare or lay-offs, many will be economically stressed more than usual. At First Congregational Church in Blue Hill we will continue to assist folks on the Blue Hill peninsula with help from the Dolly Fisher Fund.

The church staff will continue to work and the office will be open. The work of the church continues. Let us “Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep” and be unafraid as we seek to support one another on the Blue Hill peninsula.

Sunday Worship, March 15

Please join us this Sunday for morning worship.  After worship, we will gather downstairs in Fisher Hall for Coffee Hour.  We hope to see you!

Sunday Worship, March 8

On Sunday, March 8, Reverend Deb will preach a sermon titled “Questions in the Night.”  After worship, we will gather in Fisher Hall for our Second Sunday Lunch.  All are welcome, and we hope you’ll join us!

Sunday Worship, March 1

On Sunday, March 1, we welcome the return of Reverend Deb, who will join us with a sermon titled “Lead Us Not Into Temptation.” It is Communion Sunday, and we will collect condiments for the Tree of Life Food Pantry. We hope to see you!

Sunday Worship, February 23

On Sunday, February 23, Reverend Gary Pinder will join us as a guest preacher. He will offer a sermon titled “The View from the Mountain.” We will gather in Fisher Hall for Coffee Hour immediately following worship… hope to see you there!

Sunday Worship, February 16

On Sunday, February 16, Reverend Deb will offer a sermon titled “Approaching the Promised Land.” We will gather in Fisher Hall for Coffee Hour immediately following worship. Please join us!