Sunday Worship, November 17

Please join us for morning worship on Sunday, November 17. Reverend Jenks will preach a sermon titled “New Heavens and a New Earth.” We will gather in Fisher Hall for coffee and snacks after the service. All are welcome!

Sunday Worship, November 10

On Sunday, November 10,  Reverend Jenks will offer a sermon titled “From Here to Eternity.”  Please join us after worship for our Second Sunday Lunch.

Sunday Worship, November 3

Sunday, November 3 is Communion Sunday, and we will collect breakfast cereals for the Tree of Life Food Pantry. Reverend Jenks will offer a sermon titled “I Spy With My Little Eye.”

Sunday Worship, October 27

On Sunday, October 27, we welcome Reverend Deb Jenks as our new Bridge Minister!  Deb will offer a sermon titled “Out on a Limb.”  Please join us downstairs in Fisher Hall after worship to meet Deb and share coffee and goodies.

Sunday Worship, October 20

This Sunday, Betty and Noel Stookey will present their one Light, Many Candles program at the Blue Hill Congregational Church. This multi-faith program of readings and music reflects the diversity and integrity of personal faith by encouraging us to share an inclusive language that recognizes the connection of all living creatures. All are welcome.

Sunday Worship, October 13

This week we welcome Reverend Dana Douglass as our guest preacher. Reverend Douglass will offer a sermon titled ” And HE Was a Samaritan.” Please join us after worship for the first of our Second Sunday Lunches.