
No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome at First Congregational Church of Blue Hill.

If you are visiting us for the first time, please allow us to extend our warmest greetings. We are an open and affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ. Sunday Worship services are available in-person, via Zoom and live stream on Facebook. While masks are no longer required, we do ask that everyone mask while singing. We look forward to having you join us in worship.

Sunday Worship March 9, 2025

Grace and peace to you, from God our Creator and the Lord Jesus Christ!  Though we may have to get up tomorrow morning a bit fatigued because of the time change, there is no less to be done!  This is the first Sunday of the season of Lent, and we are invited to go about the work of preparation for the exceedingly good news of Easter.  Lent also reminds, us, and perhaps especially fittingly this year, that there is much to be done before we will recognize God’s reign on Earth.  So, we look inward as we grow spiritually and we look outward, as well, knowing that in response to our own giftedness we can gift others.  Our scripture lessons from Deuteronomy and from Luke urge us toward both responses and give us a sure model of facing the challenges of this life.  Jesus himself is tempted and Jesus remains strong.  We try to do so today with God’s sure presence beside us and with good companions in the Body of Christ that is the church.  See you there!

Blessings and peace, Lisa 

Continue reading Sunday Worship March 9, 2025

Sunday Worship March 2, 2025

Grace and peace to you, from God our Creator and the Lord Jesus Christ!  Tomorrow is the last Sunday before we enter the season of Lent, and I want to be sure you all know that you are invited to worship together on Wednesday evening at 7:00 (not at 5:00 as previously noted!) in the sanctuary.  While there is the option for everyone to participate in the imposition of ashes, this is by no means required.  In all, we begin preparing ourselves, recognizing our wildnerness places and praying for strength to endure.  

This strength may also be wrought in our service tomorrow, in which we celebrate the sacrament of Communion.  Folks at home may join by preparing the gifts of field and fruit, as well (cracker and juice, for example).  In our focus on the Word that gives us hope, we continue to recognize the mysteries of our faith.  Our scripture lessons discuss quite directly the distance between our human understanding and God’s reality, and also the way that God sometimes opens for us a means of understanding–a vision of God’s possibilities.  On this “Transfiguration Sunday,” we welcome the new paths, the new visions, the new life made possible when we choose the way of love Jesus has taught us.

Blessings and peace, Lisa 

Continue reading Sunday Worship March 2, 2025

Sunday Worship February 23, 2025

Grace and peace to you, from God our Creator and the Lord Jesus Christ!  On the wall of my kitchen, there is a stenciled phrase from M.F.K. Fisher left from the previous owner of my house, Bonnie.  It reads, “First we eat, then we do everything else.”  So, honoring Bonnie, I would first like to remind everyone that we are going to be getting together this afternoon at 4:30 in Fisher Hall for fun and food, Bingo and Chili/Soup!  Thanks to Lisa Groo and Ruth Miller for organizing us (details in previous eVisitors)!  For those that are interested, you also may like to attend our own Gale Flax’s presentation at the library, on her walking the Camino in Spain last spring.  This begins at 3:00. 

We gather for worship in person tomorrow for the first time in three weeks!  I look forward to seeing everyone, whether in the sanctuary or online, when we hear about some of the deepest mysteries of our faith from Paul and also the deepest challenges from Jesus.  In our own demanding times, we can take heart that God’s promises are sure, even to the end of days, and we can support one another in the just and righteous living to which we are called.  Jesus helps us to answer the question, “how, then, shall we live?” 

Blessings and peace, Lisa 

Continue reading Sunday Worship February 23, 2025

Sunday Worship February 16, 2025

Hello all! So another storm, another Zoom worship. I am looking forward to worshiping with you, and “seeing” some of you again.  Our scripture readings for this 6th Sunday after Epiphany invite us to consider how we are called by God to live, in these times of uncertainty and turmoil. Do we live lives of blessing or lives of woe? Do we live as “shrubs in the desert, or” trees planted beside waters? ” Can we brings intention to our circumstances? There is a lot to explore in our worship as we watch the storm unfold.

May Blessings Abound! 

Pastor Deb Jenks

Continue reading Sunday Worship February 16, 2025

Sunday, February 9, 2025 — Zoom Worship

Grace and peace to you, from God our Creator and the Lord Jesus Christ! While I was comfortably able to drive from my home just two miles from church, I do not suggest that anyone else do so. The church parking lot is not yet plowed, and to ask our sexton-stand-in (and helpful parishioners) to shovel as the snow continues to come down feels a bit much. So, please know that we WILL worship together, but on Zoom. I likely will remain in my office here, which will allow me to greet anyone who arrives in-person, who may not see this email. So, I look forward to our gathering together virtually at 10:00 for a relatively brief service sharing our prayers, the Word, and our grateful response.

The Zoom Link is: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86112605110

Meeting ID: 861 1260 5110

Passcode: 903748

Blessings and peace, Lisa

P.S., If you feel you must be here in person, know that you are welcome in my office!

Sunday Worship February 9, 2025

Grace and peace to you, from God our Creator and the Lord Jesus Christ!  Friends, the weather looks particularly iffy as we will gather for worship tomorrow morning.  Please do not try to drive in if there is any question of your safety!  We will, of course, be Zooming the service, and all are welcome to join us that way.  We may not have a choir, but we will sing our hymns just as gustily, whether at home or in the sanctuary.  
Our scripture readings this weekend invite us to a place of holy awe and to a very specific response to God’s effect on our lives.  How do we respond to our awe?  How do we respond to the holy?  In the first of the Gospel stories of Jesus’ calling the disciples to follow him, we may hear our own call to respond.  In a time in which we may be feeling as though we lack some agency, we know that Jesus calls us to act faithfully, with trust.  Those are two things, each strengthened by the other.  As we gather in worship, praising God for God’s gifts to us and closely regarding our own selves, our own souls, we may pray together that we are always moved to compassion and toward peace.
Blessings and peace, Lisa

Continue reading Sunday Worship February 9, 2025