Grace to you and peace, from God our Creator and the Lord Jesus Christ! The United Church of Christ took as its motto in 1957 the line from John 17 in which Jesus prays “that they may all be one.” This passage falls in the lectionary for this Sunday and asks that we regard the church and its many members closely and to ask ourselves hard questions regarding why we continue to be so divided. Won’t you come join us as we discern together how to best love each other and the whole world? What greater challenge and charge have we to answer?
Blessings and peace, Lisa
Sunday Worship May 14, 2023
Worship at Home Materials: We will be offering worship in-person as well as on Zoom this coming Sunday. Coffee & tea are available after the church service. We ask that if you have not yet been vaccinated you attend worship via Zoom.
A Reading from the Book of Acts Acts 17:22-31
A Reading from the Gospels John 14:15-21
Message “Spawn” Pastor Lisa
Continue reading Sunday Worship May 14, 2023Memorial Service for Rob McCall
Dear friends, the memorial service for Rob McCall, longtime minister here at the First Congregational Church of Blue Hill (and inspirational friend to many around the peninsula and beyond), will be on Saturday, May 13th at 2:00 p.m. The service will also be available via Zoom and streamed live on our Facebook page. The Zoom link will be as follows:
Meeting ID: 883 9062 6374
Passcode: 362452
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Sunday Worship May 7, 2023
Grace to you and peace, from God our Creator and the Lord Jesus Christ! Some of the text of this weekend’s scripture can sound like word salad–confusing at best and challenging to our understanding of God’s wide welcome. So, we read closely and may be invited into an expansive conception of God and God’s desires for humanity, even through Jesus. Bring your questions, bring your certainties, bring your love and your worries and be part of a community where you are welcome.
Blessings and peace, Lisa
Continue reading Sunday Worship May 7, 2023Sunday Worship April 30, 2023
Worship at Home Materials: We will be offering worship in-person as well as on Zoom this coming Sunday. Coffee & tea are available after the church service. We ask that if you have not yet been vaccinated you attend worship via Zoom.
A Reading from the Acts of the Apostle Acts 2:42-47
A Reading from the Epistles 1 Peter 2:19-25
A Reading from the Gospels John 10:1-10
Message “A Guide to Good Suffering” Pastor Lisa
Sunday Worship April 23, 2023
Grace to you and peace, from God our Creator and the Lord Jesus Christ! This weekend, we perhaps move more reflectively through our days with a shared feeling of loss following Rob’s death. I am struck this morning by the timeliness of the scripture readings for tomorrow’s worship, which speak of the disciples’ sadness and how they come to a place of hope. Our lives, our faith is like this, reflecting the sometimes steep arcs of human emotions. And folks, we do the best we can as we live through these moments. Our scripture also–and always–reminds us that love is the heart of the gospel, and is the call to the disciples as they configure themselves as a new body of faith, looking forward to the ways they can continue to love as they have been loved. This is the good news we share in tomorrow as we continue to celebrate the joy of resurrection!
Blessings and peace, Lisa