Just this side of a miracle, it seems, are so many aspects of life lived fully. When we read the ancient prophets’ words, it can sometimes seem as though they are very time and place specific; at other times, we may read them as a letter straight to our own hearts. In this Sunday’s reading from Isaiah, we hear the good news in a promise of fulfillment following scarcity and joy following loss. Likewise, the lesson from the Gospel of Mark tells the story of a time that Jesus performed a miracle of healing that echoes the prophecy in Isaiah. What are we to make of these stories now? How may we be opened to hearing them in faith and in hope for our own lives to be transformed? Join us this Sunday, whether on Zoom or in the parking lot of the church where we plan to gather for worship outside!
Because of the recent rise in Covid cases, including those breakthrough cases in vaccinated persons, we will not be sharing the elements of Communion. We will, however, have a time of meditating on the sacrament and its significant to us while we hear music by Anne Parker on her hammered dulcimer.
Join us, along with Pastor Lisa Durkee, for worship in-person or via Zoom.
Zoom Worship, Sunday @10:00am
Meeting Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86849800269 / Dial 646-558-8656 to join by phone.
Meeting ID: 868 4980 0269
Passcode: 668659
Isaiah 5:4-10 Mark 7:24-37
“The Ransomed Faithful”
– Pastor Lisa J. Durkee
Worship at Home Materials:
Sunday, September 5, 2021
Service of Worship for Home