Anything worth doing is worth doing well. Anything worth doing well takes practice.” We may think of scriptural text primarily as good stories or beautiful poetry. As we continue reading from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, though, we may also know the challenges it poses to how we live. The lessons are decidedly counter-cultural, even subversive—and that takes practice, and often requires the support of friends. So, as we gather for worship this weekend, we may want to ask ourselves what we most need to practice in community. Is it forgiveness? Is it love of neighbor, of oneself, of God? Let’s talk together and figure out what help we need. Peace.
Join us, along with Pastor Lisa Durkee, for worship in-person or via Zoom. We will also gather after worship for an outdoor coffee hour, weather permitting. Bring your own coffee, and we’ll see you there!
Zoom Worship, Sunday @10:00am
Meeting Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85173905360 / Dial 646-558-8656 to join by phone.
Meeting ID: 851 7390 5360
Passcode: 438528
Worship at Home Materials:
Ephesians 4:25-5:2; John 6:35-51
“It’s Not Quick Bread”
– Rev. Lisa Durkee
Sunday, August 8, 2021
Service of Worship for Home