Easter Sunrise Service

Date(s) - 04/04/2021
6:00 am - 6:45 am
  • Church-sponsored Event

Easter Sunrise Service*
Sunday, April 4 @6:00am

Pastor Lisa will hold a Sunrise Service in the parking area at Blue Hill Mountain on Easter Sunday, April 4.  Sunrise will be at 6:09am, and we will gather at 6:00.  In order to provide for proper physical distancing, it will be important to know how many people are planning to attend.  To help with this, please use the following online sign-up sheet to let us know if you’ll be there, and how many people will be in your group.  Click here to sign up.

*This outdoor service will be weather-permitting.  In case of rain or other inclement weather, look for a Zoom link here, or tune in to 103.5FM from our parking lot, as Pastor Lisa broadcasts from the Sanctuary.