Grace to you and peace, from God our Creator and the Lord Jesus Christ! On this glorious Saturday morning, looking forward to an equally beautiful Easter Sunday, we have much to be thankful for. That said, there is no moment in which someone we love is not hurting about something. Suffering as part of our human experience is inevitable, but so is the promise of renewal, of healing, of rebirth. The depth of these truths has been profoundly expressed in the services of this Holy Week and the joy God promises is something we share tomorrow. We gather at 5:30 at the parking lot at the Hayes Trail on Blue Hill Mountain for our sunrise service. Deep thanks to Stu Davis for playing opening music on guitar and to Hunt Gressitt (and her roadie, Robert) for playing her portable organ for our singing! It will be a cold morning, but brilliant in the light of hope!
At 10:00, we worship again in the sanctuary, and are grateful to Clair Maxwell for offering an organ postlude. And always, we thank Ann Boudreaux for her leadership of our choir and other musicians, as well as keeping our worship tech running smoothly. Friends, in the face of despair, we have hope. In the midst of pain, we have healing. Let us celebrate together!
Yours in faith and hope, Lisa
Worship at Home Materials: We will be offering worship in-person as well as on Zoom this coming Sunday. Coffee & tea are available after the church service. We ask that if you have not yet been vaccinated you attend worship via Zoom.
A Reading from the Hebrew Bible Job 19:25-27
A Reading from the Gospels John 20: 1-18
Message “I Know My Redeemer Lives” Pastor Lisa
Below you will find materials to accompany this week’s Sunday Morning Worship via Zoom. An order of service with scripture readings, to accompany the service, are available by clicking the following links.
Helpful Hint: If you are planning to join the Sunday morning worship Zoom call, you might wish to print the following documents prior to joining the call, if you have that capability.
*A link to the sermon will be shared on our website during the week following the service.
Worship Bulletin:
April 9, 2023
Service of Worship for Home
To join us for worship via Zoom, please use the following information.
Whether or not you choose to set up an account, when it’s time for the meeting, click the following link:
Meeting ID: 843 5265 3857
Passcode: 592156