“All we need is love . . .” certainly didn’t begin with the Beatles. Jesus’ summary of God’s greatest command for us is to love. When that is difficult, or when we feel alone in meeting our challenges, the words we read this morning from Jesus and John remind us that when we love we are united with God and with one another. This is an inextricable connection, which we are reminded of in nature. What are the ways in which you have known your connections with others? How do we reach out to others in love? Reminding one another of this charge and this grace, we move forward in hope and joy.
Zoom Worship, Sunday @10:00am
Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/93618165325 / Dial 646-558-8656 to join by phone.
Meeting ID: 936 1816 5325
Passcode: 164474
Worship at Home Materials:
1 John 5:1-9; John 15:9-17
“As I Have Loved You”
– Rev. Lisa Durkee
Sunday, May 2, 2021
Service of Worship for Home