Sunday Worship October 2, 2022

Grace and peace to you, from God our Creator and the Lord Jesus Christ! On this beautiful, crisp and sunny, autumn day, we welcome the celebration of our history and dreams for the future!  Please join us tonight–and bring all your friends–for our return to the Vanderkay Concert Series in our sanctuary!  I think that I can guarantee you will leave with a smile on your face and a tune in your heart.  Open the Door for Three are exceptional musicians who share their love of music, of good Irish craic with their audience that makes you feel as though you’ve just spent time with friends.  Doors open at 6:15 for the 7:00 show!  Children are encouraged to attend, with $5 admission for those under 10 and $10 for all students.

Our celebration continues in worship as we look forward with hope and to our history with joy and respect.  Jonathan Fisher’s own words steer some of our message in response to scripture so that we consider the role of the church then and now.  What do we seek and what do we hope to share with others as we respond to our faith?  What will define our chapter of the next 250 years of the First Congregational Church in Blue Hill?

Blessings and peace, Lisa

Continue reading Sunday Worship October 2, 2022

Sunday Worship September 25, 2022

Grace and peace to you, from God our Creator and the Lord Jesus Christ!  We will again be in the sanctuary tomorrow morning, as well as next week for our 250th anniversary worship celebration!  This weekend, while we pray for our neighbors in Puerto Rico and elsewhere who have been ravaged by Hurricane Fiona, as well as for other southern neighbors in their journey and plight to find safe haven, we will ask ourselves what we can do.  In the Gospel lesson from Luke, we meet poor Lazarus, who teaches us as do our forebears in faith.  Come, let’s pray together and put our minds and hearts together in order to know best how we can serve our neighbors.  Isn’t this our most significant calling?  

Blessings and peace, Lisa

Continue reading Sunday Worship September 25, 2022

Sunday Worship September 18, 2022

Grace to you and peace, from God our Creator and the Lord Jesus Christ! With the threat of showers in the morning along with some chilly air, we will worship in the sanctuary tomorrow!  Please do bring a mask, as we will continue to sing hymns inside!  Our text from Timothy invites us to consider when and how we pray, and Psalm 113 is essentially a command to praise God.  We will consider how we may encourage one another to pray more frequently and more fervently, as we move toward making the actions of our hands “holy.” 

Blessings and peace, Lisa

Continue reading Sunday Worship September 18, 2022

Open the Door for Three in a return to our Vanderkay Concert Series, co-sponsored by radio!

in our return to hosting the Vanderkay Concert Series, co-sponsored by WERU radio.
Saturday, October 1st at 7:00 p.m.
Admission $20 at the door with audience capped at 175; vaccines and masks required to protect the most vulnerable in our community.

Be sure to add this concert to your calendar as we are poised to be entertained by a group described as “A road-tested, audience-approved, high-octane, fist-in-glove, laughing-out-loud trio of Irish musicians…” You may listen to samples of their music as well as read more of their exceptional biographies on their website
You will also be able to listen to them on WERU, our co-sponsor, in the weeks ahead with a chance to win free tickets as Matt Murphy highlights their music on his New Potatoes program, Sundays from 4-6:00. Be ready to bring some joy into your life!

Sunday Worship September 11, 2022

On this lovely day, we look forward to another tomorrow when we gather for worship in our woodsy sanctuary, where we can sing our hymns out loud!  Following worship, we will gather for our annual meeting, most likely in Fisher Hall so that we can hear one another well.  Please do make time for this important meeting as we look forward with excitement to our ministry together in the year ahead!

Blessings on this beautiful day, Lisa

Continue reading Sunday Worship September 11, 2022

Sunday Worship August 28, 2022

Grace to you and peace, from God our Creator and the Lord Jesus Christ!  We welcome our own Lin Parker to the pulpit this Sunday while Pastor Lisa is away to lead a friend’s memorial service in MA.  Lin and Anne, too, will lead us in music as well as in the Word, and we are grateful for their sharing their talents.  Lin will ask us to consider a familiar admonition from Hebrews, to “show love to strangers, for by doing so we may be entertaining angels unawares.”  As the summer wanes, we continue to celebrate our worship in the shade of our back yard trees.  Join us!

Continue reading Sunday Worship August 28, 2022