Sunday Worship May 14

This Sunday’s second reading and sermon focus on the Way of Jesus, and will take us from Jerusalem to Switzerland and Spain. The first reading, from 1st Peter, picks up the image of Christ as a stone the builders rejected. Our image is of Women of the Wall, a resistance group fighting for gender equality in Judaism and Israel.

Sunday Worship May 7

This Sunday we hear about the early Christian community and come to the Lord’s Table. Gary’s sermon is on the cost of true community. We’ll hear a little about Pilgrim Lodge, the Outdoor Ministry of the Maine Conference. With Gerald away on vacation, Hunt will lead our musical praise. After worship, you will receive important updates from your lay leaders in our Quarterly Meeting.

Monday After School Programs

“Bible Lego Adventure” for children in grades 1 – 5, and “Your Money, Your Values,” for children in grades 6 – 8. Snack time begins at 2:45 pm with group meetings from 3:15 to 4:15 pm. Classes run from May 1st thru June 12th and are free, space is limited. Please contact us for more info and to reserve a place by calling 374-2891 or email

Holy Week and Easter Services

Can love win? Join us for the roller coaster of Holy Week as we celebrate, pray and sing the story of three days that would change the world.

Maundy Thursday Service – 7pm
Good Friday Stations of the Cross – Noon at St. Francis by the Sea
Good Friday Service – 7pm
Easter Sunrise Service – 5:30am at the Town Dock (in the Sanctuary in the event of inclement weather)
Service of the Resurrection – 10am

(The image is of a work by Banksy on a wall in Bethlehem)

Palm Sunday Worship April 9

Palms! Guitars! A Donkey! (Okay, not a real donkey. But palms and guitars… really…) This Sunday is Palm Sunday. Come celebrate and sing hosanna…

Lenten Lunch and Learn Series- “Embracing a Life of Meaning”

In partnership with St. Francis by the Sea, please join us for a five-week Ecumenical Lenten Lunch and Learn series on “Embracing a Life of Meaning”; with video talks by author Kathleen Norris. Each session begins at noon and all are welcome!

Final luncheon: April 6th- First Congregational