“From Horab to Blue Hill” with Rev. Gary Brinn

Gary will be giving a talk “From Horab to Blue Hill” at Blue Hill Public Library on September 7th, 7:00-8:30 pm, in the Howard Room. The presentation will look at the Judeo-Christian trajectory from the ancient Hebrew faith to Jonathan Fisher’s Congregationalism and on to the UCC.  For more information, go to the BHPL calendar.

Sunday Worship August 27th

This Sunday, August 27th, we conclude our Summer of Love worship series with a look at the community of love. The Lesson for All Ages is “Difficult Math” and the sermon is “A Window is Required.” We’ll also welcome new members, then immediately reset the church for the Celebration of the Life of Bob Marville, which will begin at 1:00pm.

Sunday Worship August 20th

Gary began planning our Summer of Love series months ago, assigning the theme “Love in Action” to this Sunday’s worship. Then we saw love in action this past weekend, as hundreds stood up against hate in Charlottesville, and hate took the life of Heather Heyer (pictured). The Lesson for All Ages is called “Staying Clean” and Gary’s Sermon is “Choose-Your-Own-Adventure.” Leslie Anderson will be our guest musician, and has asked that we all join together in closing the service with “Get Together,” the unofficial anthem of that 1967 summer.

Sunday Worship August 13

This Sunday, we continue our “Summer of Love” series with a focus on divine love and a sermon titled “I’m Sorry, Dave.” 

Sunday Worship August 6

This Sunday, we come to the Lord’s Table and continue our Summer of Love, with a sermon on human love titled “Monkey Souls and Human Hearts.” We will have an abundance of music, Gerald and the choir, Anne and Lin Parker, and Arsentiy Kherifonov, a visiting international pianist. Instead of our normal First Sunday collection for Tree of Life, we will continue to collect books and stuffed animals for Christmas Angels.

Sunday Worship July 30

This Sunday, we conclude the historic portion of our “Summer of Love” theme with a look at October 1967. The pastor’s sermon will be titled “The Death of the Hippie.” After church, Gary will meet with members of our one-season, three-season and four-seasons communities who wish to learn more about church membership. All are welcome.