Sunday Worship, August 29

“A person will worship something – have no doubt about that. We may think our tribute is paid in secret in the dark recesses of our hearts – but it will out. That which dominates our imaginations and our thoughts will determine our lives and character. Therefore, it behooves us to be careful what we worship, for what we are worshipping we are becoming.”  (Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1803 – 1882)

Join us, along with Pastor Lisa Durkee, for worship in-person or via Zoom. We will gather after worship for an Outdoor Hymn Sing! Tents will be provided in case of rain.

Continue reading Sunday Worship, August 29

Sunday Worship & Annual Meeting

What does power look like?  What’s the difference between being prepared to defend and to create offense; or even to be offensive?  To what behaviors are we called in the face of the Powers, and how do we cultivate them?  The way in which we consider our faithful response to world events as well as to individual circumstances may be well led by the passage from Ephesians at the heart of this Sunday’s message, and I hope that we may carry the conversation into the week, perhaps even gathering via Zoom for discussion of the tumultuous events in world news—in our lives—this week.  

Join us, along with Pastor Lisa Durkee, for worship in-person or via Zoom. We will gather after worship for our Annual Meeting.

Continue reading Sunday Worship & Annual Meeting

Sunday Worship, August 15

What makes up wisdom, and its counterpart foolishness, may look different for people of faith than for those who have no sense of a loving God on their side.  What may look like foolishness, Paul helps us to understand in his letter to the Ephesians, may well be the best way of living in the world.  Let’s talk together about what we believe we need to understand in order to live our best lives.

Join us, along with Pastor Lisa Durkee, for worship in-person or via Zoom. We will also gather after worship for an outdoor coffee hour, weather permitting. Bring your own coffee, and we’ll see you there!

Continue reading Sunday Worship, August 15

Sunday Worship, August 8

Anything worth doing  is worth doing well. Anything worth doing well takes practice.” We may think of scriptural text primarily as good stories or beautiful poetry. As we continue reading from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, though, we may also know the challenges it poses to how we live. The lessons are decidedly counter-cultural, even subversive—and that takes practice, and often requires the support of friends. So, as we gather for worship this weekend, we may want to ask ourselves what we most need to practice in community. Is it forgiveness? Is it love of neighbor, of oneself, of God? Let’s talk together and figure out what help we need. Peace.

Join us, along with Pastor Lisa Durkee, for worship in-person or via Zoom. We will also gather after worship for an outdoor coffee hour, weather permitting. Bring your own coffee, and we’ll see you there!

Continue reading Sunday Worship, August 8

Sunday Worship & Communion, Aug. 1

We celebrate the reception of new members today, which is always a joyful moment in the life of the church. The ways in which we grow in faith and grow together is the focus of the morning’s message. Join us as we learn more about the ways in which our lives of faith guide us!

Join us, along with Pastor Lisa Durkee, for worship in-person or via Zoom. We will also gather after worship for an outdoor coffee hour, weather permitting. Bring your own coffee, and we’ll see you there!

Continue reading Sunday Worship & Communion, Aug. 1

Sunday Worship, July 25

Do you struggle with the notion of a miracle?  How often are our creativity and our imagination limited such that we are unable to know the abundance into which we may live?  It’s time we had some conversation about Jesus together, sharing our understanding of what it means to be a disciple and what it means to acknowledge that we may have something to learn from one whose creative impulse in living for others is astounding.  Opening our hearts and minds to think extravagantly about welcome, about service and about worship, we just may find ourselves capable of great things!  We are not the only ones wondering about what it means to be church these days, and whether you are on vacation and seeking the rest and rejuvenation that comes from slowing down for worship, or are looking for ways to be productive in your faith, you are welcome to join us this Sunday for prayer, song, scripture and conversation about what is undoubtedly good news!

Join us, along with Pastor Lisa Durkee, for worship in-person or via Zoom. We will also gather after worship for an outdoor coffee hour, weather permitting. Bring your own coffee, and we’ll see you there!

Continue reading Sunday Worship, July 25