Sunday Worship June 18

Long before Taylor Swift told us to “Shake It Off,” Jesus gave us the same instruction. This Sunday we turn to evangelism, reading from Paul’s Letter to the Romans and to portions of the Gospel traditionally attributed to Matthew.

Acts of Love and Kindness

As part of LGBT Pride Month, and in conjunction with the UCC and church’s all over the world, we will be ringing the church bell 49 times at noon on Monday June 12th.  It was one year ago that 49 innocent victims lost their lives at the Orlando Pulse shootings.  Join us on the church steps at noon as an act of love and kindness. We join in fellowship with all churches who want to build a just world for all.

Sunday Worship June 11

Martin Luther counseled against preaching on Trinity Sunday. Alas, Gary is going to risk it, wrestling with the Trinity and shining a dark on apophatic theology… Jane Haldane will serve as Liturgist, and Gerald will lead our musical praise. After church, learn about Outdoor Ministries, including Pilgrim Lodge.

Sunday Worship June 4

This Sunday we celebrate Pentecost. The color of the day is red. We’ll come to the Lord’s Table, collect for the UCC’s Strengthen the Church offering, and accept gifts of pet food for Oscar’s Outreach, currently needed by the Tree of Life Food Pantry.

Sunday Worship May 28

This Sunday we celebrate the Ascension. Gary will be preaching a sermon that includes biblical demigods. After church, Steve Merchant will lead the traditional walk to the cemetery.

Sunday Worship May 21

Do you know who Onesimus is? Come find out and learn about Paul’s only piece of personal correspondence in the New Testament, from our guest preacher Hunt Gressitt.