Grace to you, and peace from God our Creator and the Lord Jesus Christ! Ah, our sacred kings and leaders . . . Scripture tells the stories of generations–of those who reigned for decades with all their human failings, and of One who led with grace and love, sadly not being able to bring about the fullness of his reign here on Earth. In scripture for this Sunday, we are asked to consider the reign of David, who as a markedly fallible human being, was able to change his behavior and thereby alter his legacy as a ruler; he was one who led, finally, by following God’s will. Leading with love and with grace, we also hear the way in which Jesus teaches his followers how to respond to those who themselves do not respond well to the good news of God’s coming reign. How do we respond? Which leaders do we follow? What do we do when we are disappointed or afraid? You may have a sense of tenuous hold on security these days. We long for assurance and we long for guidance. So, we gather together to petition and to praise the One who leads with love and who asks us to love one another. See you in church, where we gather strength for the journey!
Blessings and peace, Lisa
Continue reading Sunday Worship July 7th, 2024