Sunday Worship May 29, 2022

Blue Hill’s Memorial Day remembrance will include a church float in the annual parade, as well as Pastor Lisa offering a prayer at the bridge.  Anyone wanting to walk in the parade is invited to do so, and we also would like two members to volunteer to carry the church banner while doing so.  Please let Lisa know during or after church tomorrow if you are interested!

Christ’s own heartfelt prayer “that they may all be one” is at the center of this week’s lectionary text.  In a month that has been full of devastation and loss of life due to gun violence, we may join with our own prayers for unity in a way forward that includes close consideration of how we allow guns to proliferate in our culture.  In what and in whom do we place our trust?  How might we be willing to look at freedom in what are perhaps new and different ways when we consider the experience of Paul and Silas in Philippi?  As we come together for worship, I invite us to join in prayer and in conversation that may help us to begin the work of healing in our lives and in our nation.

Peace, Lisa

Continue reading Sunday Worship May 29, 2022

Sunday Worship May 22, 2022

Worship at Home Materials:

Below you will find materials to accompany this week’s Sunday Morning
Worship via Zoom.  An order of service with scripture readings, along with
music recordings to accompany the service, are available by clicking the
following links.

A Reading from The Hebrew Bible         Psalm 27

A Reading from The Gospels                  John 14:23-29

Sermon    Peace, Come and Get It”                       

Helpful Hint:  If you are planning to join the Sunday morning
worship Zoom call, you might wish to print the following documents prior to
joining the call, if you have that capability. 

*A link to the sermon will be shared on our website during the week
following the service.

Continue reading Sunday Worship May 22, 2022

Sunday Worship May 15, 2022

Although there is one day designated for Earth Day, our relationship with the church is a daily, perpetual reality.  The effects of humankind on the planet we call home has been devastating, but as people of faith in a loving, renewing God, we know that even the worst of problems may be overcome in God’s time.  We will look together at the stark realities of climate change this week and will have the opportunity to pledge our commitment to doing our part in slowing the spreed of destruction.  What do we learn from scripture that may help us grow in our resolve?

There is a chance of rain on Sunday morning, so we will be playing the weather by ear to decide to worship outdoors behind the church or in the sanctuary.  Please arrive a bit early to settle yourself in a chair if we are outside.  Peace, Lisa

Continue reading Sunday Worship May 15, 2022

Sunday Worship May 8, 2022

Given the sunny but cool weather predicted for tomorrow morning, we plan to be in the sanctuary for worship. We will remember all the women who have helped us become the people we are, and we will remember God’s gracious presence with us—always. With familiar scripture in Psalm 23, we also remember the ways in which we have been led and the ways in which we choose to follow. We make choices daily to follow persons, ideas and careful plans, and we encourage one another to choose the good. May we do so together this week!

Continue reading Sunday Worship May 8, 2022

Sunday Worship May 1, 2022

“The Road to Damascus” that Saul walked on probably doesn’t look like very many of the roads here in Blue Hill.  Except for the driest days of late July and August, there would have been more dust and probably more people than we see here.  The experience he had might also seem a bit removed from what any of us can imagine happening to us, but we may also know ways in which we or someone we love has been radically changed by something that has occurred.  Learning to trust that radical change can be a good, even a blessed opportunity and leaning into service to others in response is at the heart of the lessons we hear this Sunday.  Join us as we learn new and deeper ways of living into the love that Jesus taught his disciples and us.

Continue reading Sunday Worship May 1, 2022

Sunday Worship April 24, 2022

As we continue to celebrate the joy of Christ’s resurrection—and the possibility of our own—we are invited to acknowledge our own doubts as we hear the story of the disciple we have come to know as “doubting Thomas.”  What does it take us to believe the news we hear?  What does it take for us to have faith?  What is the difference?  We are also invited to consider what we do in response to our faith and given guidance as to what a new life in the light of Christ can look like.  Join us on Sunday for celebration and for contemplation and then join us as we leave our worship to live lives of service in action.

Continue reading Sunday Worship April 24, 2022