Grace to you and peace, from God our Creator and the Lord Jesus Christ! On this first Sunday of the month, when we may be welcoming and welcoming back guests and friends, we will celebrate Communion together. Those of you who are worshipping at home are also invited to make ready a symbol of the bread and the cup so that you may partake with us. The Spirit is with us all when we gather, whether “virtually” or in the same physical space.
We celebrate in our worship God who made and loves us, and who walks with us at all times, in all places. That sense of enormity is part of what inspires both the prophet Isaiah as we hear in the 40th chapter this week, and also stirs the apostle Paul in some of his more humble moments. What stirs you, and how do you see that God moves in your life, sometimes compelling, sometimes nudging, and sometimes simply present? I hope that we will share some of our stories during our time of fellowship following worship, as I will share with you a small part of my own “call to ministry” in response to scripture.
Blessings and peace, Lisa
Continue reading Sunday Worship February 4, 2024