Sunday Worship, July 26

Zoom Worship, Sunday @10:00am

Meeting Link:

Meeting ID: 961 2948 8379

Password: 740566

Worship at Home Materials:

Reverend Deb’s sermon and the order of service with scripture readings for Sunday, July 26 are available by clicking the following links. 

8th Sunday after Pentecost, yr. a, 7/26/2020
Romans 8:26-39; Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52
Hidden Kingdom
Rev. Dr. Deborah M. Jenks 

Worship Bulletin:
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Service of Worship for Home

Sunday Worship, July 19

Zoom Worship, Sunday @10:00am

Meeting Link:

Meeting ID: 926 9371 0672

Password: 445258

Worship at Home Materials:

Reverend Deb’s sermon and the order of service with scripture readings for Sunday, July 19 are available by clicking the following links. 

7th Sunday after Pentecost, yr. a, 7/19/2020
Genesis 28:10-19a; Romans 8:18-25; Matthew 13:24-30
Waiting with Eager Longing
Rev. Dr. Deborah M. Jenks 

Worship Bulletin:
Sunday, July 19, 2020
Service of Worship for Home

Sunday Worship, July 12

Zoom Worship, Sunday @10:00am

Meeting Link:

Meeting ID: 980 2145 9518

Password: 504013

Worship at Home Materials:

Reverend Deb’s sermon and the order of service with scripture readings for Sunday, July 12 are available by clicking the following links. 

6th Sunday after Pentecost, yr. a, 7/12/2020
Genesis 25: 19-34; Romans 8: 1-3; Matthew 13: 1-9, 18-23
Let Anyone with Ears, Listen!
Rev. Dr. Deborah M. Jenks 

Worship Bulletin:
Sunday, July 12, 2020
Service of Worship for Home

Sunday Worship, July 5

Zoom Worship, Sunday @10:00am

Meeting Link:

Meeting ID: 932 2128 6293

Password: 421732

Worship at Home Materials:

Reverend Deb’s sermon and the order of service with scripture readings for Sunday, July 5 are available by clicking the following links. 

5th Sunday after Pentecost, yr. a, 7/5/2020
Romans 7:15-25a; Matthew 11:16-19,25-30
Of Rest and Yokes
Rev. Dr. Deborah M. Jenks 

Worship Bulletin:
Sunday, July 5, 2020
Service of Worship for Home

Pride 2020

Thank you to everyone in our community who came out on June 28th to stand in solidarity with LGBTQ+ equality, and to show support for our LGBTQ+ friends, neighbors, and loved ones. It was a fun, festive, and well-attended celebration!

Sunday Worship, June 28

Zoom Worship, Sunday @10:00am

Meeting Link:

Meeting ID: 946 0290 4219

Password: 231031

Worship at Home Materials:

Reverend Deb’s sermon and the order of service with scripture readings for Sunday, June 28 are available by clicking the following links. 

4th Sunday after Pentecost, yr. a, 6/28/2020
Genesis 22:1-14; Matthew 10:37-42
At What Cost
Rev. Dr. Deborah M. Jenks 

Worship Bulletin:
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Service of Worship for Home