Grace to you and peace, from God our Creator and the Lord Jesus Christ! Monday is the day we remember the birth of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. and it is fitting that our scripture readings for the morning tell the stories of different people’s responses to God’s call. From the mysterious voice that calls the boy Samuel to Jesus’ very direct invitation to Nathaniel and Philip, individuals have heard and responded in different ways. Dr. King is one whose full response to what God calls each of us to do and to be has become an example for those who seek justice in the world. How we hear and how we respond to the nudging of God in our lives is different for each of us. We will explore together the ways in which we might respond, “Here I am, Lord.”
I pray that everyone stays safe and warm in today’s storm. Please reach out to me by phone if you have concerns or if there is something you need! (978)400-1991. For those of you who have been waiting for this information, please also know that the service in celebration of the life of Rose Ellen Small will be this Friday, the 19th, at 2:00 p.m., with a reception to follow at the Farmhouse Inn.
Blessings and peace, Lisa
Worship at Home Materials: We will be offering worship in-person as well as on Zoom this coming Sunday. Coffee & tea are available after the church service. Masks are suggested in the sanctuary and required during the singing of hymns, as the virus spreads most easily with the projection of droplets.
Psalm 139 p.715 NCH Psalm 139:1-6; 13-18
A Reading from the Hebrew Scriptures 1 Samuel 3:1-20
A Reading from The New Testament John 1:43-51
Sermon “Your Servant is Listening” Pastor Lisa
Below you will find materials to accompany this week’s Sunday Morning Worship via Zoom. An order of service with scripture readings, to accompany the service, are available by clicking the following links.
Helpful Hint: If you are planning to join the Sunday morning worship Zoom call, you might wish to print the following documents prior to joining the call, if you have that capability.
*A link to the sermon will be shared on our website during the week following the service.
Worship Bulletin:
January 14, 2024
Service of Worship for Home
To join us for worship via Zoom, please use the following information.
Whether or not you choose to set up an account, when it’s time for the meeting, click the following link:
Meeting ID: 835 2383 4353
Passcode: 790974