We’re having a party this Sunday and every Sunday! We celebrate the blessings we have received and we praise the Giver. What our celebration looks like is up to us, but we have some pretty good examples of how to celebrate “with abandon.” As we read the account of David dedicating the ark of the covenant anew, with the company and troops of Israel, and also about how Paul suggests we should respond to God’s gifts to us in Jesus, there is a lot of abundance at hand. So, we gather together this Sunday in celebration as well, and we may ask ourselves what makes a gathering a party? Who has to be there and how should we behave? What should we eat and drink? While these may sound like questions more relevant to a secular gala than a service of worship, the way that we gather makes a difference. So, bring your dancing shoes, your joyful faces, and lift your hearts! Then, take the joy we celebrate together and share it among those you know who are most in need of joy. The news is good: we are loved and are empowered to love others!
Join us, along with Pastor Lisa Durkee, for worship in-person or via Zoom. The Quinby family will provide live music, and we will gather after worship for an outdoor coffee hour. Bring your own coffee, and we’ll see you there!
Zoom Worship, Sunday @10:00am
Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/92878831642 / Dial 646-558-8656 to join by phone.
Meeting ID: 928 7883 1642
Passcode: 219296
Worship at Home Materials:
2 Samuel 6:1-5; 12-19; Ephesians 1:3-14
“Exuberant Children”
– Rev. Lisa Durkee
Sunday, July 11, 2021
Service of Worship for Home