Sunday, August 23

Zoom Worship, Sunday @10:00am

Meeting Link:

Meeting ID: 981 4834 4039

Passcode:  582637

Worship at Home Materials:

Reverend Deb’s sermon and the order of service with scripture readings for Sunday, August 23 are available by clicking the following links. 

12th Sunday after Pentecost, yr. a, 8/23/2020
Isaiah 51: 1-16; Romans 12: 1-8; Matthew 16: 13-20
“Not Conformed, But Transformed”
Rev. Dr. Deborah M. Jenks 

Worship Bulletin:
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Service of Worship for Home

Our Annual Meeting will take place at 11:00am, immediately following the Worship service. If you would like to join us for the meeting, please use the same Zoom login information. To call in by phone, please dial 301-715-8592, and enter the Meeting ID and Passcode when prompted. All are welcome, but only members may vote on any issues, officers, etc.