Sunday, March 29

Dear People,
We are now coming into the second weekend of not being able to gather physically for worship, prayer, and supporting one another as we seek to serve others.  It’s a hard place to find ourselves in, especially as neighbors and dear friends suffer in illness and isolation and need for companionship. But physical distance does not mean we are not one with each other, and cannot be present with and for others. We are finding many ways to connect and be present from phone calls, to emails, to cards, to volunteering to shop for those who cannot get out, cooking meals, volunteering in other ways in the community. I want to thank each and all of you for all the ways you are sharing your love and compassion.
This week at First Congregational Church of Blue Hill, UCC we are offering two ways to worship together yet physically apart.
  • The first is a live interactive and informal worship through the church’s ZOOM meeting account. We will gather live over the internet at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday morning, March 29. If you’d like to join, please send us an email!
  • The second way we can worship together is in our own homes and on our own schedule using the resources provided in the attachments below. These attachments include; a worship bulletin with prayers and music links recorded by Ann Boudreaux and Sarah Schneider, scripture readings, and a written sermon by Rev. Deb Jenks.  *Find links below!
One of the great gifts we have as a church is the gift of prayer together and for others. It is a spiritual energy of presence and healing that we can offer to the world. It is how we may serve even when we are not able to be physically present. Our praying is not bound by time or space and so is never too late. In prayer we are all bound together by love.
I’m so looking forward to being with many of you this Sunday through ZOOM. Also don’t hesitate to be in touch through email and by phone.
Be Well, Take Care, and God Bless,
Rev. Deb

5th Sunday of Lent, yr. a, 3/29/2020
Ezekiel 37:1-14; Psalm 130; John 11:1-53
Unbound – Rev. Dr. Deborah M. Jenks

Scripture Readings:
Old Testament Reading: Ezekiel 37:1-14
New Testament Reading: John 11:1-45

Worship Bulletin with Prayers & Music:
5th Sunday in Lent, March 29, 2020
Service of Worship for Home
Hymn for Meditation, Audio File 1
Hymn, Audio File 2