Meet Pastoral Candidate
Rev. Gary Brinn

Date(s) - 07/09/2016
7:30 am - 7:30 pm
  • Church-sponsored Event

Rev. James Gary Brinn, JrJuly 9th we will be offering four opportunities to meet Pastoral Candidate Rev. Gary Brinn.  All events are open to members and friends of the Church.

 7:30 am– Men’s Morning Square will be hosting a Pot-Luck Breakfast (bring something to share) in Jonathan Fisher Hall; coffee provided.

 11:30 am– The Christian Education Board will be hosting a Pot-Luck Picnic (bring something to share) in the Town Park, just down from the Hospital on Water Street. Iced Tea and Lemonade will be provided.  In the event of rain, it will be held in Jonathan Fisher Hall. Bring a lawn chair, a blanket and please bring your children!

 3:00 pm– The Ladies Day Circle will be hosting a simple Tea on the front porch of the Parsonage. This will also give everyone an opportunity to see the recent improvements.  Bring a lawn chair or blanket if you would rather sit on the lawn.

 6:00 pm– The Hospitality Committee will be hosting a Pot-Luck Dinner (bring something to share) in Jonathan Fisher Hall. Iced Tea and Lemonade will be provided.

We hope that as many of you who are able will plan to attend at least one of these events. It will be a great opportunity to get to know Gary and for him to get to know you.  Please wear your name tags!