Grace to you and peace, from God our Creator and the Lord Jesus Christ! It sounds like a simple question, really . . . What do we do to prepare the way? The question is quite straightforward, and its answer may be as well. We’ve heard the language in various settings and this Sunday we are told again: “Prepare the way of the Lord.” Maybe we have never heard it as a mandate before now; maybe it has felt only like something that happened then, but is not a part of our responsibility–our call–now. In this Advent season, though, we are given the opportunity to consider what it may mean to make ourselves ready for Jesus’ coming–into our hearts and into our lives, and maybe for the first time. What does it mean to prepare the way? How have others done so for your own understanding of possibility? As we gather for worship of the God who gives us life and prepare ourselves for service in the world, we can pray to be strengthened for the journey.
Some of you may be watching the weekend weather with some concern. Please know that we will be Zooming both our worship service and our quarterly meeting. So, please do plan to attend in the way that is safe for you. We hope to be able to tend to just a bit of business while enjoying one another’s company!
Blessings and peace, Lisa.
p.s. Don’t forget to bring your favorite hot or cold appetizers to share during coffee hour as part of our Advent celebration!
Continue reading Sunday Worship December 8, 2024